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“God is light; In him there is no darkness at all”
[1 John 1:5]
Welcome to
St. John's Church, Maesbrook
Churchwardens: Colin Preston Tanya Dixon-Clegg
Services are held at 10.00am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. All are welcome: please join us! We alternate services of Holy Communion with informal Worship. Services last approximately one hour. You are warmly welcomed to stay for tea, coffee and biscuits after the service.
Click here to see latest service schedule for the current month.
Please contact the churchwardens with any questions about services or attending church.
About St John's Maesbrook
Built in 1878, St John's is a simple building (unlisted), unspoilt by piecemeal accretions, and structurally in good condition. It makes an excellent setting for quiet reflective services, small (seating 75) country weddings, and small scale concerts (early music, folk, ukulele band, West End Gallery hymns).
The church is always open during the daytime, and often people – both local and those coming from a distance to tend family graves - will come into the church for a moment of quiet.
We also have a good relationship with the Methodist chapel in the village, and for many years have alternated the Christmas Carol Service between the two churches. In the past we shared the monthly praise service, once again alternating between church and chapel.
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