What goes on
On this page you will find information about some of the things that go on.
If you think you might like to get involved in any of these activities you can click on the JOIN button. This should take you to the Contact Us page where you can leave us a brief message and we will then get back to you.

Bible Study Group
A couple of groups meet for Bible Study ... if you would like to join in you can give us your details by clicking on the button below
Messy Church
Fun activities, informal worship and food!
Lots of fun for children and their parents.
Watch out for information about the next Messy Church.

Family Church
Informal worship and activities for all the family
When: 2nd Sunday of each month at 4.00 pm.
Where: Kinnerley Church
Who: Mostly for Primary School Children aged 4 -11 and their parents, but all are welcome. Come and join us.
What: FUN, FUN. FUN.
Coffee Stop
A time for everyone to relax and meet up after dropping the kids at school on most Tuesdays during term time.
North Shropshire & Borders
Filling Station
What is The Filling Station?
The Filling Station is a new way of bringing
Christian renewal and evangelism to the UK.
We meet in Knockin Village Hall at 7.30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month except for August and December.
Click here for details of our next meeting.
Follow this link to the Filling Station website:
Follow this link to our Facebook page: